All driving schools explain to motorists the rules of the road. But they don’t always tell you how to brake if the brakes fail while the car is moving. Good or bad, but for many people driving a car is a hypnotic activity.

Every day we drive on the roads to work, errands, etc. But we often forget how dangerous it is. In fact, sometimes we are brought back to the harsh reality of driving with a simple press on the brake pedal and the realization that the brakes are not working.

Before we delve into the details of how to respond to brake failure while driving, it’s important to note that total brake failure is rare. This is due to the fact that your car’s braking system is not a single unit. In fact, the brake system is made up of many different components that work together to help your car stop.

How to brake if your brakes fail, How to stop when your brakes don’t work, What to do if your automatic brakes fail, If your brakes fail can you use the handbrake
Every wheel is equipped with a brake system. Depending on the age, make, and model of the vehicle, the brake system may consist of any of the following combinations:

Drum brakes on all four wheels. They are common in classic cars.
Disc brakes on all four wheels. These are common on most modern cars.
Disc brakes on the front wheels, drum brakes on the rear wheels.
If one of these components fails, the other three brake systems will be able to remove the slack and stop the car before an accident occurs.

However, there are several circumstances that can cause a vehicle’s brake system to fail.

The most common of these is natural wear and tear. As brake pads age, they naturally lose their ability to stop the car. To prevent this from happening, you should have your brakes checked several times a year. Typically, most brake pads need to be replaced every 25,000-50,000 miles.

The second most common cause of brake failure is a faulty brake booster. This component is the reason why the brake pedal is easier to press while driving than when the car is off. If the brake booster is malfunctioning, it will take more force on the pedal to stop the car, even if the engine is running.

The last most common cause of brake failure while driving is a phenomenon called brake fade. Brake fade is the result of the brake system overheating due to extreme use or the presence of water in the brake fluid.

In addition, brake fade can result from:

A seized piston in the service cylinder;
Leaking brake fluid in the service cylinder;
A stuck master cylinder piston;
brake fluid leakage in the master cylinder;
Damage or clogging of hoses, lines;
air inflow into the system due to loose fasteners.

God forbid to find out such troubles, as brake system failure or jammed gas pedal while driving on a freeway. However, life is such, that sometimes it happens. It is necessary to make an algorithm of actions to get out of the situation in such cases and to save life and property.

Since situations are different, as well as measures to address them will be different. If everything is done correctly, the reward will be the preservation of health, and most importantly – life. Now it is necessary to analyze situations in detail.

The first will be the most severe, unpleasant and dangerous case – the brakes failed while driving.

When a Hollywood movie is shown, there is bewilderment as to how the heroes cope with such trouble. The bewilderment comes from the fact that the task of stopping a car with broken brakes seems insurmountable.

But, as practice shows, there can be a successful completion of this process. And there is no need to fly through the whole populated area with bulging eyes at speed. After all, every car has buttons, knobs, levers and other devices that will help to successfully stop the car.